BANKRUPT: bank·rupt /ˈbaNGkˌrəpt/ adjective: bankrupt (of a person or organization) declared in law unable to...
Long before I was elected to the House, I’ve been talking about Illinois’ pension crisis...
With more than $7 billion of unpaid bills and (depending on who you ask) $130-$200...
It’s January 1, and we’re a little over a week from starting a new General...
Governor Rauner certainly got everyone’s attention last week when he proposed that the employer’s share...
“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” – Herbert Stein’s Law In...
Pensions are now cutting into essential services. This needs to be fixed, and there are...
As Nancy Pelosi famously said during the Obamacare debate: “(W)e have to pass the bill...
The Governor has issued an amendatory veto to Senate Bill 1, and the gnashing of...
As I said in my previous post, my problem with SB 1 is the fact...
Everybody’s trying to explain how SB 1 bails out the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) pension...
The big issue in Springfield this week is the school funding bill, SB 1, which...