Steve Reick
for State Representative
Illinois is a one-party state. Both houses of the legislature, as well as all statewide elected offices are held by Democrats. Not only that, their hold on the House and Senate are by majorities that guarantee that any bill passed and signed by the Governor is immune from veto.
The majority party does not need another rubber stamp in the House. More than ever, it's necessary for there to be voices in the legislature who are not afraid to stand up and speak against the many excesses that come about when one party holds such a firm grip on power.
Since 2017, I've been one of those voices. I've not been afraid to stand up and speak when to do so would cast me in a negative light by those who pass laws without considering the negative impact those bills would have on the people who are expected to pay the freight. Too much legislation is passed without giving thought to a bill’s unintended consequences or which make promises that everyone knows will not be kept. As Edmund Burke said: “Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing.” I've not been afraid to point out those unintended consequences or expose the hypocrisy of false promises.
I've never been anything but honest with my constituents when asked why I take the positions I take. As your representative, I owe you my judgement, not a vote that comes from wetting my finger and sticking it in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. I like to think that it has served the people of this District well. I'm asking for your support.